Wright Family Foundation
The Wright Family Foundation has generously supported Brainwave since 2016 enabling us to reach families living in communities experiencing more need across New Zealand through the sharing of knowledge on brain development in the early years and adolescence.

MAS Foundation
Our partnership with the MAS foundation provides funding support to build relationships of trust and work alongside Tagata o le Moana (Pacific) communities.

We have partnered with Tākai (Oranga Tamariki) to share internal knowledge and develop their staff understanding of the needs of children and co-create resources. This will contribute to the implementation of Te Ao Rerekura Family Violence Prevention strategy and provide Tākai with information to share widely with whānau.

We are also incredibly grateful to the following funders who have recently supported the work of Brainwave in our communities:
The Tindall Foundation
Bethell Family Partnership
Chenery Memorial Trust
Community Organisation Grants Scheme (COGS)
Four Winds Foundation
Foundation North
Lottery Grants Board
Pub Charity Limited
The Lion Foundation