We would love to hear from you!

If you are not happy with any aspect of our work, we would like to hear from you so that we can quickly put things right.

Likewise, if you have feedback about what we are doing well – please let us know!

How to let us know if you have feedback or a complaint

Please contact us using one of the following options:

If you have time to talk to us about your feedback you can ring us on 09 09 528 3981.

Email your feedback to info@brainwave.org.nz

What happens next?

Once you have sent us your feedback, we will be in touch. If necessary, we will investigate it and discuss a resolution with you. If we cannot resolve it straight away, or if the issue is of a complex nature, we will indicate how long it will take us to investigate the issue.

Brainwave Trust Complaint Policy

Brainwave Trust Aotearoa respects the rights of its team and any other people or organisations with which it conducts business. Our complaints Policy and Process has been developed to ensure the rights of these individuals are given appropriate consideration in the event of any dispute.