What do we seek to achieve?

At Brainwave Trust, we want every tamaiti to have the best start in life. Our expertise is in child and adolescent development, with a focus on brain development. Brainwave Trust seeks to make this knowledge accessible to all.

We share scientific knowledge in an easy-to-understand way, to help whānau raise tamariki to be the best they can be. We acknowledge that mātauranga Māori and other indigenous knowledge sources have their own evidence bases and we share this research also. 

We make a credible and trusted contribution towards a culture that values parenting and prevents abuse and neglect.

How do we achieve this?

Our Mahere Rautaki / Strategic Plan (2024-2027) guides our activity.

We review scientific research and indigenous knowledge and produce articles on specific topics that help both whānau and people who work with pēpi, tamariki and taiohi to gain a better understanding of how to best support their healthy development. 

From this research we create educational wānanga for whanau Māori and workshops for different whānau and professional audiences, to share our understanding of what is going on at different stages of child development so that adults who influence the lives of tamariki can support them to reach their potential. 

We work in partnership with other organisations to share our knowledge further and to increase our own knowledge base from those working for child wellbeing. We advocate for tamariki and their whānau where societal change is needed and work with government to inform evidence-based policies that impact tamariki in Aotearoa New Zealand.

We also develop resources that can help parents and whānau to understand the impacts of stress on a pēpi’s development and to understand why love and care are so important in a child’s life and what that might look like in a practical sense.

Who do we run workshops for?

We work right across Aotearoa New Zealand, with whānau and community audiences and with professionals in health, justice, social services and education sectors. We have kaiako in most regions. 

Examples of the different audiences we work with in the community include secondary school students, young parents, whānau and staff of kōhanga reo or early childhood centres, parents, grandparents and whānau, health professionals, teachers, clinicians, and tertiary students studying health related programmes. 

We also work alongside people under the care of the Department of Corrections; both in prisons and through Community Corrections. We work with the Ministry for Children to provide workshops for whānau caring for children. We are open to working with any group who are interested and tailor wānanga and workshops to meet specific audience needs.

How can I get more information?

If you would like more information, please contact info@brainwave.org,nz.

If you are enquiring about booking a workshop for a rōpu group you belong to or work with, please contact bookings@brainwave.org.nz

Our Mission

We share knowledge with everyone who influences the lives of pēpi, tamariki and taiohi about the critical importance of brain development during early childhood and adolescence, recognising the positive impact and influence this can have on their wellbeing.