Brainwave Trust’s main role is to disseminate the complex science that can be found in universities and other research institutions around the world and repackage it in an accessible way.

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Brainwave Submission to the Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy Dec 2018

The focus of the submission supports investment “right from the start”.

The evidence is overwhelming that experiences in the very early years, in a complex interaction with genetics, play a critical role in the development of children. This early development can have lifelong consequences.

Brainwave argues that it is essential that people across every community and decision making group in New Zealand understands the critical importance of pregnancy and the first years of life in shaping a child’s future.

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The Strategic Plan for Early Learning

Brainwave contributed a section on mental and emotional wellbeing as part of a joint, well-being themed submission in response to the Draft Strategic Plan for Early Learning 2019-29 (He taonga te tamaiti; Every child a taonga).

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Submission to the Government Inquiry into Mental Health and Addiction – (2018)

In June of 2018 we contributed to the Government Inquiry into Mental Health and Addiction.

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Parliamentary Health Committee’s Inquiry into Improving Child Health Outcomes and Preventing Child Abuse

In 2012 Brainwave Trust Aotearoa made the submission to the Parliamentary Health Committee’s Inquiry into improving child health outcomes and preventing child abuse with focus from preconception until 3 years of age. At their request we submitted a further paper prepared by our treasurer Anthea Springford about the economics of early intervention.
